in touch with real speech
In touch with real speech

Extra sound files – Chapter 18.4-6

18.4 Syllablends and syll-drops


Australia can be heard as ‘Stralia || i THINK stralia’s going to WIN this ||
if I were you can be heard as fie were you || i wouldn’t GO i/fie were YOU ||
I’m almost can be heard as mallmost || i SAID i’m almost/mallmost FINished ||
and also in can be heard as nor so win || he’ll appear THEN and also in/nor so win sepTEMber ||



accidents can be heard as accents || there were TWO accidents/accents on the MOTorway ||
incidents can be heard as instants || THREE incidents/instants involving GUNS ||
afternoon can be heard as affnoon || they HAVE the afternoon/affnoon OFF today ||
ultimately can be heard as ultimmly || they WERE ultimately/ultimmly let DOWN ||
however can be heard as howver || he WAS however/howver in LOVE at that time ||
minute can be heard as mint || JUST a minute/mint i’ll GET it for you ||
excellent can be heard as exsunt || she PLAYED an excellent/exsunt game of FOOTball ||
physical can be heard as fizzle || it was a VEry physical enCOUNter ||
cardinals can be heard as carnals || the SAINT louis cardinals/carnals are the BEST team ||
kilometres can be heard as klommers || we’re THREE kilometres/klommers from HOME ||
wish she’d can be heard as wisheed || i DO wish she’d/wisheed GO now ||
there are can be heard as there || i SEE there are/there THREE of them ||
that i use can be heard as thy use || he SAW that i/thy use THIS medicine ||


18.6 Teeny

thirteen names can be heard as thirty names || there WERE thirteen names/thirty names sugGESTed ||
fourteen members can be heard as forty members || we can’t have MORE than fourteen/forty MEMbers ||
fifteen can be heard as fifty || the SCORE was fifteen/fifty NIL ||